Email Notifications

General information about emails received from our system.

Buyer Email Notifications - Payment has timed out without us receiving the required funds...
Issue: Received email that says: payment has timed out without us receiving the required fundsĀ  What can this mean? This means that your transactio...
Wed, 12 Jul, 2017 at 1:35 PM
Buyer Email Notifications - We have received all required funds for your payment of...
Issue: Received email that says: We have received all required funds for your payment of... What can this mean? This means that your transaction is...
Wed, 12 Jul, 2017 at 1:35 PM
Buyer Email Notifications - We have received only...
Issue: Received email that says: We have received only _.________ of the _.________ ... What can this mean? This means that your transaction did no...
Wed, 12 Jul, 2017 at 1:36 PM
Buyer Email Notifications - New Payment Submitted - To complete your checkout, send...
Issue: Received email that says: To complete your checkout, send.. What can this mean? You have made an invoice to pay for items with a merchant us...
Wed, 12 Jul, 2017 at 1:38 PM